Fare Thee Well Gotta work HarderThan Forever Shakin’ ThatPre-Fall State HangMore Build ImaginationBrick by brick I used to have this dreamAbout winning the lottery:“Excuse me, my moneyJust flew out the window.” Draw your boots 80’sMercedes Straight on,Sweetheart The World Is filled with peopleYou might wantTo meet WeBeTheMe Little Dipper AllOne The SoundsYou bringWith You What Key isYour Foghorn in? Who do you love? So WhatIn Pink As one dogTo another Don’t workWith your friends,WorkFor them. RoundAboutWays Blue Moon Give usTwo hoursTo go KISS,KISS. OnFire GinFool Power isPenetrable Rocks areStill There are bouquetsIn the woods Love isOur loveLanguage She came withThe anchovy exchangeCome onWith the bottleOf childhood God Bless,Bulldog Remaining,Still,During a storm Sweet,Sweet,Sweet. Record a songWhile walking throughEvery roomIn your house